Thursday, June 9, 2011

What's New With CTP (ClickTrackProfit)?

Yes, it's been several months down the line since I joined ClickTrackProfit, better known as CTP. So what's new? Has the frenzy for this program died down? Personally, I don't think so. After all, I do get to see new splashes from apparently new sign-ups to this awesome program. I'm saying that not because I'm in it, but because this program is highly recommended to those who want to start earning online.

Imagine a program that offers a step-by-step guide to setting up. It comes complete with video guides too. It truly is helpful, esp. for newbies. Even PRO marketers would learn from it. So if you haven't joined, JOIN HERE, so you don't miss out on a chance to learn more about running a business online.

Badges Updates

Contrary to others' projection, the craving for CTP badges hasn't died down either. In fact, CTP badges aren't only confined to the TimTech sites : ILoveHits, StartXchange, Sweeva, AdKreator. Badges can now be found at some of the sites I will be listing here. Of course, I haven't totally found all those badges yet, but I will be featuring the ones where I've completed the collection.


free manual traffic exchange

Thumbnail viewing site. Owned by John Guanzon. Has surf on mobile feature. You choose the site you want to view from thumbnails shown. I like the widget that looks like an iPhone. LOL! ^_^


Fun to surf. You get Sweeva'd! Just surf 10 a day continuously and earn increasing credits. Love the Treasure Vault > you get to win credits, banners and texts even when you don't guess the right combination.


I like the prize page that looks like a CTP page. Chuck Norris on word search every 25 pages. Great if you're a fan LOL!  Like the weekly bonus > you get to claim 100 credits.

Naughty Or Nice Traffic

Naughty or nice? You decide... LOL! The site isn't so bad. Nice background setting can be changed whether you are feeling nice or naughty. The prize page is nice, but you have 50-50 chance of getting the big credits, banners and texts prize. Parental guidance suggested during surfing as surf icons can be naughty. But it seems that surf bar icons have been changed as I'm surfing there right this time. :P

Super Traffic Highway

Owned by Hilbert Gavel. Love the images on this site. I truly find Tucker cute! LOL ^_^ Any site and owner that supports CTP is a plus factor in my books. It's also one of the reasons I like surfing certain TEs.

There are a few other sites that offer badges, but I haven't completed the collection yet. Perhaps I'll run another feature when I do.

The great thing about badges at TimTech sites is that regular badges are now tiered, meaning you can claim them multiple times and still get the badge (with series number based on times claimed). In time, I guess more TE sites outside of TimTech would be offering regular tiered badges. So stay tuned!

Well, it's midweek once again! Enjoy the rest of the week! Classes for SY 2011-12 have started! And this day has been a VERY RAINY one! Be safe and be well.. till next blogging time.. ta-tah!

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